Are you ready for your “scope-up” at Bug Night #2?
The studious volunteer peered through the stereoscope. He saw immediately that something stood out from the other specimens. It seemed familiar somehow; something from his childhood or perhaps another childhood. What was even more distinct about the specimen was that it appeared to be looking back at him. He looked closer and recognized her, albeit vaguely.
“Wait a minute, haven’t I seen you before? I know your face. You’re, ah, um…,” he stuttered, “You used to be big in petri dishes.”
“I am big,” she said, “It’s the petri dishes that got small.”
He thought, how could this be? A famous, albeit forgotten, bug [in]star in his very own petri dish at Bug Nights in the St. Paul’s School laboratory. She seemed sad yet haughty as if all that she had left was the dignity of what she once was. What kind of life could this be for her? She was reduced to being but one instar among many, sharing the stereoscope limelight. He was unsure what to do. As he was about to motion for one of the swiftly moving white-coated Bug Night proctors, the bug spoke again.
“You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us and the stereoscopes, and all those wonderful volunteers…,” she cried, “All right, Mr. Volunteer, I’m ready for my close-up.”
Bug Night #2: February 1, 2017 beginning at 6:00 PM. Please knock on the door or window if you come a bit later or the door is locked.