
Merrimack watershed bacteria results: September 9, 2019

All sample results are as of Tuesday morning, September 3, 2019. Results may change from day-to-day, depending on upstream conditions and rainstorms.

This week, we continue to see excellent results. All sites meet the Class B designation for the Merrimack River. They all fall well within the more stringent designated swim beach standards as well. The watershed had another rinse on Monday and then a quick dry overnight. These low bacteria counts are expected after those weather events. Based on this season’s results, we feel that we can say that the upper Merrimack watershed is relatively clean and healthy. We often say, “When it rains, it’s poor.” You may wish to wait a day or so after it rains before recreating in a surface water. 

You’ll hear from us next year with new a round of sampling results. Please join us in thanking our Adopt-a-River Site Sponsors that make the Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program possible (listed in order of their sponsored sites).
Franklin Savings Bank
Franklin Waste Water Treatment Plant
Nelson Analytical
Essex Hydro
Aries Engineering
GZA Environmental
Granite Shore Power

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Michele L Tremblay                          Stephen C Landry
Program Manager                             Sampling Supervisor