Keeping a lot of bugs in the air : Bug Night #3

“What’s up with the male White Coat?” asked the Bug Nigh-er, “He doesn’t seem to be himself.”

The White Coat did seem to be a bit sweaty and a little stressed when fielding questions.

Come to think of it, the Bug Night-ers mused, where was the female White Coat?

“Remember?” one of the leadership Bug Night-ers prompted, “Last week, she said that she had to work at her day job and implored us to go easy on the male White Coat. I had to be here fifteen minutes early to help set up.”

The reminder rang the faintest of bells for most Bug Night-ers—partly because they had learned to tune out her incessant clock warnings but also because the male White Coat juggling had been turned up a notch and it was more interesting than remembering why.

Go easy on the sole White Coat—and enjoy watching him juggle bugs, jars, and other things. He will see you on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 beginning at 6:00 PM sharp.