Get Involved

A sunny day on the upper Merrimack River

Get Involved

For individuals

There are many ways to volunteer with the UMWA including being part of field or laboratory work in the Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program.

For organizations

Groups and organizations who are interested in the upper Merrimack River and its watershed are invited to contact us about how they can become involved including particpating in the Adopt-a-River Site Program. Organizations and other groups also volunteer for activities or request one of our speakers for their next event.

For everyone

Interested in keeping up with upper Merrimack events or want to share announcements and news? Click here and scroll to the form at the bottom of the page to subscribe to RiverNews, the Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program newsletter..

If you wish to financially support efforts in the upper Merrimack watershed, please mail your gift to:
Upper Merrimack Watershed Association
PO Box 3019
Penacook NH 03303
The UMWA is a 501(c)(3) IRS tax exempt organization and 1% for the Planet nonprofit.

Questions? Contact Michele L. Tremblay, President, Board of Directors.


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