
Rippling waters of the Upper Merrimack River


Bug Nights 2020 are on with opening night on
February 5, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Please click here to download the Bookshelf “Bug Flyer.”

Bug Nights 2019: Good Casekeeping
February 18, 2019
Bug Nights are on and start with a training session on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 hosted at St. Paul’s School In Concord. This year, we have expanded our schedule with even more winter Wednesday nights.Click here to download the flyer including driving directions.We’ll see you there!

Bug Nights 2018: Facebug
February 14, 2018
Bug Nights are on and start with a training session on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 hosted at St. Paul’s School In Concord. This year, we have expanded our schedule with even more winter Wednesday nights.Click here to download the flyer including driving directions.We’ll see you there!

Bug Nights 2017: Bug Night of the Living Dead
January 25, 2017
Bug Nights are on and start with a training session on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 hosted at St. Paul’s School In Concord. This year, we have expanded our schedule with even more winter Wednesday nights.Click here to download the flyer including driving directions.We’ll see you there!

Bug Nights 2016: Bug Appétit
January 11, 2016
Bug Nights are on and start with a training session on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 hosted at St. Paul’s School In Concord. This year, we have expanded our schedule with even more winter Wednesday nights.Click here to download the flyer including driving directions.We’ll see you there!

Bug Nights 2015: Meet the Beetles
December 24, 2014
It was twenty years ago roughly today that UMMP first started. How can we make it better? An expanded schedule with even more winter Wednesday nights. Click here to download the flyer including driving directions.We’ll see you there!

Bug Nights are over—for now
March 26, 2014
The good news is that last night, Bug Night People finished all of the specimens for this year. The bad news is there will be no Bug Nights for the rest of 2014. The Bug Night people sorted, counted, and identified all of the specimens collected by the Rock Basket People in the fall of 2013. Fear not, we will start again in January 2015. Thank you to everyone who participated and a huge thank you to St. Paul’s School, who graciously hosts us every Wednesday evening in their beautiful laboratory, classroom, and lecture hall.
If you are interested in Bug Nights next year or the field work this summer, please visit and sign up for our electronic notification list. You can also find the Upper Merrimack River Local Advisory Committee on Facebook and Twitter. Please like and follow us to access exclusive news and other fun information.

Bug Nights are front page news
January 30, 2014
The Concord Monitor thought it would be interesting to come to Bug Nights and see what all the excitement is about. See their front page photo essay by clicking here. Better yet, buy the paper today.

Bonus Bug Nights 2014: back and bigger and better than before
January 6, 2014
How can Bug Nights get better? With more dates than ever before.
Click here to download the flyer including driving directions. Now you won’t have to worry about what to do on Wednesday nights at least until May (and maybe even later).

Bonus Bug Nights by “Pupular Demand” for May 2013
April 26, 2013
Bonus Bug Nights by “pupular demand” are slated for May 1, 8, 22, and 29, 2013. Click here to download the flyer (new dates not included) for driving directions. Now you won’t have to worry about what to do on Wednesday nights until June.

Bug Nights 2013 are on!
January 16, 2013
It’s back for its seventeenth year! Bug Nights 2013, is scheduled to begin on January 30. Download the “flyer” here.

Bug Nights volunteers finish all identification for the season
May 15, 2012
For the first time since the program started in 1995, Bug Night volunteers finished all of the 2011 summer sample identification. They will be treated to the traditional “last supper” at 6:00 PM on May 30, 2012 at Saint Paul’s School.

Bug Nights held over by “pupular” demand
May 1, 2012
Volunteers just can’t get enough and didn’t want to call it quits last week. Bug Nights are extended through May on the 2nd, 9th, 23rd, and 30th. On May 30, Bug Night will be ending early for the last supper, which the Upper Merrimack LAC will cater as a thank you to this season’s volunteers.

Bug Nights 2012 are on!
February 13, 2012
Since 1995, volunteers including anglers, students, teachers, paddlers, and others interested in the health of the Upper Merrimack River and general river ecology have enjoyed learning about these fascinating creatures and what they tell us about water quality. Your work as a citizen scientist helps determine the health of the Upper Merrimack watershed. Training is free, fun, and a great way to spend quality time with family and friends as well as an opportunity to make new acquaintances. Your new, organized, and beautiful life begins on Wednesday nights. Click here to download flyer with schedule and driving directions (PDF)

Bug Nights 2011 are on!
January 4 , 2011
It’s back for its fifteenth year! Bug Nights 2011, now in its fourteenth year is scheduled to begin on January 19. Download the “flyer” here.

Bug Nights 2010 are on!
January 11 , 2010
The legend continues! Bug Nights 2010, now in its fourteenth year is scheduled to begin on February 3. Download the flyer here.

Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program now in full swing for summer season
June 18 , 2009
E. coli monitoring starts on June 24 with sampling at eleven sites from Franklin to Bow conducted every two weeks through September 2. Sites are along the Pemigewasset, Winnipesaukee, Contoocook, and Merrimack Rivers. Rock Baskets deployment and retrieval are being scheduled. To learn more or find out how you can join the fun, contact or 603.796.2615.

UMMP part of the Cornell Citizen Science Central network!
February 23 , 2009
The Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program is now part of the Cornell University Citizen Science Central network. UMMP joins many other organizations in this registry including the very popular FeederWatch. For further information click here.

Bug Nights 2009 are on!
December 22 , 2008
Bug Nights are scheduled for January 21, February 11 and 25, March 11 and 25, and April 15 and 22. For further information, download the flyer at Adobe® Acrobat® file (429KB).

Bug Nights
January 16, 2008
Bug Nights 2008 are on! Beginning with a training class on February 20, 2008, Bug Nights will meet at St. Paul’s School in Concord through April 16, 2008. Print the entire, twisted flyer and get the schedule by clicking Adobe® Acrobat® file (502KB).

UMMP featured in Yankee Magazine
August 31, 2004
The September 2004 issue of Yankee Magazine profiled several New England “Freshwater Warriors” including Michele Tremblay, Director, Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program. The article profiles what New Englanders are doing to protect and conserve the region’s rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands.

Partner article featured in national trade publication

July 21, 2004
UMMP Sampling Supervisor, Steve Landry, published a feature article and companion “side bar” in the Summer 2004 issue of The Volunteer Monitor. The article profiled the UMMP’s successful partnership building and fundraising programs which engage businesses, schools, and other organizations while building capacity for the Program.

UMMP director named national River Hero
May 2003
River Network, Portland, OR, Washington, DC, and Montpelier, VT named Michele L. Tremblay as one of its River Heroes at its national River Rally in Washington [state]. Michele was the only volunteer honored with the award.

New Adopt-a-River Site sponsor
February 2003
The UMMP welcomes Aquarian Analytical Inc., Canterbury, NH, the newest Sponsor in the Adopt-a-River Site Program. Aquarian Analytical joins ten other area businesses and organizations in supporting UMMP.

New Adopt-a-River Site sponsor
May 2002
The UMMP welcomes Essex Power Services, Inc., Boscawen, NH, the newest Sponsor in the Adopt-a-River Site Program. Essex joins nine other areas business and organizations in supporting UMMP.

NH Outlook features “Bug Nights”

February 28, 2002
NH Public Television’s “NH Outlook” will air a segment on “Bug Nights” at 10:00 PM. Most can tune in on channel 11. View the segment at their website by clicking here using Real Player? Click here for a free download.

NH Public Radio / WEVO Segment covers “Bug Nights”

February 21 and 25, 2002
“Bug Nights” was recently covered by Doug MacPherson for a WEVO “NH Today” feature segment.

Volunteers produce quality environmental data on the Merrimack River—citizen science validated as a natural resource management tool
February 18, 2002
A report released this month by the Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program (UMMP) details the strength and validity of citizen science, or volunteer-generated, water quality biomonitoring data. The report proves that the quality of data produced by Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program volunteers is indistinguishable from that of professional level analysis. Click here for the full press release.

UMRLAC and UMMP present award to new EPA Administrator
July 30, 2001
The UMRLAC and UMMP honored Commissioner Robert W. Varney at a farewell reception for him on July 30, 2001. Commissioner Varney has been very supportive of the work of the Committee and its Programs during his twelve year tenure as head of the NH Department of Environmental Services. He was presented with a framed certificate and photograph for his new office where he will serve as Region I administrator for the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program honored with Trout Unlimited Award

July 30, 2001
The Basil W. Woods Jr. Chapter of Trout Unlimited presented its “Silver Trout” award to the Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program ” in recognition of distinguished service and dedication to the enhancement, presentation, and restoration of our cold water fisheries” at the organization’s annual banquet in Concord, NH.

Basil W. Woods, Jr. Chapter of Trout Unlimited makes significant gift to Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program
July 30, 2001
The Basil W. Woods Jr. Chapter of Trout Unlimited awarded a generous gift to the UMMP to support purchase of a multi-parameter water testing meter. The meter will be employed to help assess tributaries and mainstem areas of the upper Merrimack watershed.