Turkey River Watershed Restoration and Management Plan
The Upper Merrimack Watershed Association is leading an effort to implement a restoration and management plan for the Turkey River.
In 2020, the Upper Merrimack Watershed Association (UMWA) received funding from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) to develop a watershed restoration and management plan (WRMP) for the Turkey River watershed. The UMWA was formed in 2016 as a New Hampshire nonprofit to serve as manager of the initiatives of the Upper Merrimack River Local Advisory Committee (UMRLAC), including the Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program, the Upper Merrimack Winter Community Program, and other activities recommended in the Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program Fundraising Strategy (1997). UMRLAC was established in 1990 as the Upper Merrimack River communities’ advisory board on its designation in the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program as well as the head of multiple projects and programs in the upper Merrimack watershed. UMWA developed a project Steering Committee and selected Comprehensive Environmental, Inc. (CEI) to lead the development of this WRMP. The Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) provided support for this project, including assistance with engaging a diverse group of local stakeholders for development and future implementation of this plan.
Click here to download the Turkey River Watershed Restoration and Management Plan.
Click here to download the August 25, 2021 début presentation.