2007 Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program E. coli data

2007 Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program E. coli data

2007 E. Coli Bacteria Counts
(Values Represent # of Colonies Per 100 Milliliter)

Site number and description 6/13/2007 6/27/2007 7/1/2007 7/25/2007 8/8/2007 8/22/2007
#1 Pemigewasset R. 95 8 160 10 492 20
#2 Winnipesaukee R. 35 16 60 10 200 5
50 8 160 30 195 55
#4 Merrimack R. below FWWTF 20 16 115 10 115 35
#5 Merrimack R. State Forest 25 8 60 20 60 10
#6 Merrimack R. Rt. 4 Bypass 15 20 0 10 55 5
#7 Contoocook R. at Rivco 65 60 190 25 165 70
#8 Merrimack R. Sewalls Falls 145 48 120 30 75 50
#9 Merrimack R. Manchester St. Bridge 50 24 305 10 1000 10
#10 Merrimack R. Blue Seal 40 16 3250 460 140 10
#11 Merrimack R. Garvins Falls 15 16 430 20 40 55