Appendix B

Inventory of Local Ordinance Regulation in the UMRLAC Communities

Ordinance / Municipality Boscawen Bow Canterbury Concord Northfield Franklin
Dates of last update/amendment (month/yr) of each ordinance 03/14/06 05/09/06 03/14/06 7/8/2007 3/13/2007 7/10/2006
Density and/or Minimum Lot Size Requirements Between 1/4 – 2 acres 2 acres 2 acres 0.10 to 4 ac .05 acres to 5 acres 0.5 ac to 5.0 ac in Conservation district
Septic System Setbacks from Wetlands or Open Water 100’ 75’ – 150’ 125’ 75’, 100’, 125’ 75’ 75 to 100’
Wetland Protection Ordinance Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Wetland Buffer Requirements 50 – 100’ 30’ – 150’
50’ buffer for vernal pools
No 50’ 50’ Webster Lake watershed only
Shoreland Protection Zones or Districts Yes, great ponds, Merrimack and Contoocook Riv and tributary streams No No Yes, for Great Ponds & 4th Order streams No Webster Lake; 50 to 75 ft
Setback From Merrimack River None 75 – 200’ 200’ setback No 250’ None
Shoreland Ordinances for Streams Third Order or Lower tributary streams 75’ – 200’ No No 50’ none
Ordinance and regulations Boscawen Bow Canterbury Concord Northfield Franklin
Open Space Requirements within Conservation and Watershed Districts No but included in cluster development A minimum of 50% of original lot area, and >25% of open space must be buildable land. The minimum original tract size shall be 10 acres. No but included in cluster development Yes, varies with land use zoning; 40% for cluster development; Conditional Use Permit required for alterations in buffers Included in cluster development 66% open space required in cluster development’
Impervious areas
Restrictions for Aquifer protection or other Zones;
There is no Aquifer Protection Not limits defined in the Aquifer District The dev. shall not result in coverage of more than 35% of the lot by impervious surface 15% in Penacook Lake Watershed Protection District in general max 70% commercial and Max 30% residential In Webster lake watershed, max of 30% of impervious area for new develop.
Bluff setbacks n/a n/a 50 ft (Merr. River Bluff). In areas where the top of the river bluff, it is 150 ft to 200 ft 50’ n/a n/a
Preserving Naturally
Vegetated Buffers
50’ in SP district; Conditional Use Permit required for activities w/in Wetland District Wetland Buffer 150’-200’; Buffer to streams, lakes, ponds, vernal pools, bogs 75’-200’; Yes, varies 75’ from wetlands, great ponds and 4th order streams. CUP required. 50-250’ Webster Lake 50 to 200 ft: 100 ft perimeter for cluster develop.
Allows for Alternative Development Types (ex. Cluster) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes